Mold is a threat to both your health and your property value. Untreated, it can discolor your drywall, eat away a building’s structural integrity, and cause allergies, illness, and sometimes even death in adults, kids, and pets. Our cleansing technicians possess the expert knowledge to safely uncover, kill, and reverse damage from even the most dangerous types of mold.

Bio King Cleaners offers comprehensive mold remediation services for homes and businesses. Our technicians remove all mold and structural damage, sterilize to kill any remaining spores and prevent
regrowth, and deodorize against irritating and sometimes even injurious smells. We draw from professional experience and education to eliminate mold and stains in walls, ceilings, floors, tile, grout, bathrooms, kitchens, basements, ducts, attics, and crawl spaces.

Please note: If you suspect black mold, it is essential you hire a trained professional equipped to safely eradicate the entire infestation and prevent the mold from coming back. On all decontamination job sites, our workers wear proper protective gear including goggles, respirators, Tyvek suits, and chemical resistant gloves and booties to prevent cross contamination. We use powerful disinfectants approved by the FDA as effective, as well as HEPA air scrubbers to remove microbrial matter to prevent future our outbreaks. All our cleansing protocols meet CDC guidelines.

Let us wipe out your threat of mold with disinfection and removal services from Bio King Cleaners.

Mold disinfection and removal

  • Mold removal and sanitization
  • Structural damage cleanout
  • and reversal
  • Sterilization against spore regrowth
  • Odor elimination
  • Stain removal
  • Black mold safety expertise
  • Wood rot remediation
  • Bacterial and viral disinfection
  • HEPA Air Scrubbing
  • and more!

Bio King Cleaners serves:

  • Residential homes
  • Office workspaces
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Assisted living and elder care communities
  • Kitchens and restaurants
  • Industrial warehouses
  • Retail shops
  • and more!

How to request services: